Thursday, March 10, 2011


Blogging is probably  the simplest method to start your online journey...

Let’s begin with the easiest methods.One of the most dramatic changes to have taken place on the Internet over the last few years has been the
simplicity of creating certain kinds of website.It’s one of the changes that has put the Internet into
the hands of anyone who wants to make the most of it. You don’t need to know anything about HTML  to create a blog.
You can all about your interest or anything, put it online and everyone will be able to see it immediately.

It really is that simple..!!!!!!!
Ok now ….you might want to create one…and start making money with it..
Here is a simple guide wrote specially for you..

1.go to
you will come to a page which look like this below on create your blog now and fill the sing up form..
congrate..!!!! now you have your own blog
now you have to create your blog and publish it for people to see it..after you have sing up you will see a page like this..

Now you must create you blog... create a blog and name it..
4.Go to>post> >new< and write the content of your blog and publish it..and there you have it ..your new blog and ready to the world to see it.

you may also use templete for your blog to make it more attractive to the world..
5.Go to >template< and you will see a wide range of template ready for you...

click on template you like and continue..

6.You also can put some facebook share and twitter to your blog..

And now your done...summit your blog to various search engine
for people to see it..

hope to turtorial help you..

If something missing please make your comment below and i will update it..

Thank  you..